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It’s holiday time and you can’t forget about your beloved puppers!

These Three Ingredient Pup Cookies are perfect for the season and super easy to make.

Nala turned 2 this September and these were her “sweet” birthday treat.

We wanted to find something with minimal ingredients; easy to make and easy to bake.

For Nala’s first birthday we made her these Dog Pupcakes which were her absolute favorite treats ever. We froze a bunch of them and defrosted them over time so the treats just kept coming.

Another gluten free option that she’s loved were these Gluten Free PB Cookies.

But this year we wanted to make her gluten free cookies with lots of peanut butter and no flour.

These Three Ingredient Pup Cookies are actually three ingredients:

  • rolled oats
  • banana
  • peanut butter

Yes, that’s all! Can’t believe how easy these really are. And these are definitely Pupper approved!

Nala was also lucky enough to receive some of her favorite treats and some new toys. She’s such a sweet girl and we love her so much!!

Much love to you and your puppers,

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