Who is intimidated by cake pops? I would of raised my hand if you had asked me months ago. But I broke through the fear of cake pops and all associations with the craziness that ensues and I tried my second attempt ever.

My first attempt of making cake pops was using a “special” cake pop baking tray that had half circles indented in the bottom of the tray with a top tray that had indented half circles in the opposite direction (to make the shape of a cake pop). I’ll give you the quick version, it was a disaster. The cake mix ballooned out of the cake pop tray while they baked and the pops made of cake that should of been circular, turned into shapes resembling Saturn. And after hand cutting the ridges and extra cake off with my mom, icing them was even worse. I will repeat: disaster.


Ever since then I have run away from cake pops and indulged in ONLY the ones at Starbucks. But let me tell you a little secret, these are even better than those pink balls on a stick with white sprinkles calling your name as you wait for your coffee. I secretly indulge in one cake pop almost every time I go to Starbucks, which if you know me is quite a lot. I have been working on controlling my obsession with their franchise…

But this recipe came from my friend Katelyn at work and this is a true winner so I just had to share it with you.


This recipe requires minimal ingredients (I know I say that a lot, but seriously). And it’s pretty basic. The part that requires the most attention is rolling the cake pops in white chocolate. If you’re a perfectionist, this is not the recipe for you. It is reallllly hard to get the perfect “iced” cake pop.


These fun pops are made with a funfetti box cake mix, almost a full tub of creamy vanilla icing (feel free to make your own from scratch), and white chocolate melted chips.

Say it with me, heaven, right?

If you are really feeling like being a baking queen and intent on making everything from scratch; bake your own cake and make your own vanilla icing (each not too difficult just time consuming). And then please share them with me. Because those are the only kind of cake pops that could possibly be better than these that are right in front of you.

Sidenote: who has time for all the scratch stuff anyways, I do wish I had the time to bake from scratch but I just don’t.



Who doesn’t love funfetti and sprinkles anyways…?


One last thing I must tell you is that 32 came after I had a few handfuls of fresh crumbled cake right out of the oven.

Try not to eat all 32 in one sitting.

I challenge you.


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