I joined the pumpkin train “y’all”.

But pumpkin doesn’t always have to be southern. I believe it has quite an elaborate taste to it and it’s not always enjoyed by everyone. For example, I just don’t love pumpkin: pumpkin flavor, pumpkin pie, and even that popular pumpkin spiced latte from Starbucks. NO thank you.

I only enjoy real pureed pumpkin, and only when it is paired with chocolate. SO this is my gift to you on this Sunday, pumpkin chocolate chip bread.


The original recipe does not call for cinnamon, she expressed that she wanted the bread to just have pumpkin flavor. However, I really enjoy pumpkin and touch of cinnamon so I added it to mine. Feel free to add the cinnamon or not, whatever you are in the mood for!


The only time consuming thing in this post is the sifting of the dry ingredients, twice. My arm started to burn after the first round and boy do I need to buy a new sifter. I have been using my pasta small circular utensil that is covered in mesh (don’t exactly think that it’s supposed to be used as a sifter…) Oops.

So basically I advise you to invest in a true sifter.




The thing with this bread as well is it depends on how fast your oven cooks. If it cooks quicker you might want to try 60 minutes for the bread first and then watch it. The end result needs to have a toothpick come out clean meaning the inside is cooked. Use that as your measuring tool for baking time.


I hope this bread works for you!

Get ready for the house smell to make your mouth water. Oh and get ready to eat like 5 pieces once it’s out the oven, it is that good. The chocolate chips get gooey and the bread is so moist and warm inside (one of my favorite things- eating something bready with chocolate right out of the oven). Ooooh it’s good.


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