I have these cravings for a really good sandwich every once in a while. I always want warm crusty bread with nice quality melted cheese (definitely NOT american slices, yuck), and some other stuff piled high on top.

Then I look on pinterest, do a little soul searching, and come up with things like this; philly cheese steaks in the slow cooker.

This crusty warm, melty oooey gooey sandwich hit the spot and it totally rocked!

For this easy recipe, I put all the ingredients in the crockpot and let it cook and simmer alllll day long while I was at work. AU and I have this cool crockpot that has a timer that switches to keep warm once the timer is finished. We have “guestimated” that one hour on keep warm is equal to 30 minutes on low. Even though the crock pot is keeping your yumminess warm it is still technically cooking it for you. I have had way too many experiences where I have come home after an entire 8 hour work day to find my crock pot full of mush with no texture. And I absolutely hate that, this way we have worked out how the crockpot can be on all day long without overcooking soups, chicken, or even beef.

Long story short… I cooked our chuck roast for 4 hours on low, and then just over 5 hours on keep warm to total the perfect amount of roasting for these sandwiches. I always err on the side of cooking for less time then more when it comes to a crock pot.


I picked up some super fresh sub rolls from Harris Teeter, wheat for myself and white for my sweetheart AU (I still let him cheat a little bit). They were so soft on the inside and a great size for each meal.

This recipe makes a few servings, but it is also nice to half a roll and eat it with a salad for a healthier lunch. Speaking of healthy, I do always try to add small pieces of healthy when I can. The original recipe requires 2 whole onions and one pepper (color of choice) but I reduced the amount to one large sweet yellow onion and stuck with one red pepper. The onions in the meat were plenty and I felt that neither AU or I wanted any more than we had on each of our subs. The veggies were so soft and easy to sneak into any picky ones sandwich.

That my friends is healthy, adding a plain onion and plain pepper to any meal is always a positive move in the right direction! As for the cheese, and the beef, and the rolls… not so much (I don’t even want to hear about it!).

In my life I do not want to remove all of the things I enjoy, I will become mean and angry. It is all about moderation (THAT is my new “diet”).



I’m so chatty today!


This is by far one of the BEST work night meals. The cooking after work is comprised of baking some rolls with cheese and layering with beef (it is beyond simple)- that really excites me. There are so many nights that I just cannot find the energy to cook a great meal but I also don’t want to continuously eat out.

This is the answer to that night (for me it was last Thursday when I had an hour of yoga!).

I hope you hmmm and ahhh at these sandwiches as much as AU and I did (if you don’t then you must not love bread/meat/cheese as much as this girl does ;).


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