I was watching food networks show “eat street” the other day and I saw a taco truck with Mexican corn come on. It looked fresh, bright, and delicious. I was immediately intrigued and inspired. As the show went on the owner of the truck explained that her corn on the cob was first grilled and then smeared with mayonnaise and cotija cheese.

Then I stumble on a Mexican corn recipe on Pinterest and immediately knew I had to give it try.

Tonight I ventured into the new corn recipe and it was amazing. After searching high and low for cotija cheese I settled on queso fresco (also crumbling cheese) which was soooooo good. So the substitution definitely worked.

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I cut small chunks then crumbled it.

Although I started from the Pinterest recipe, I viewed the ingredients & instructions and then made up my own process. I followed the same ingredients but changed a few things along the way. The first was that instead of baking the corn I had my dad grill it to give it a little char and extra flavor. I would recommend grilling it if you can, nothing better than a grill.


I would also say that fresh limes are a necessity.

corn on the cob
fresh cut lime wedges
crumbled queso fresco cheese
black pepper

1. Grill/broil corn on the cobs
2. Brush with mayonnaise
3. Roll in crumbled cheese
4. Press into the cheese to cover
5. Sprinkle with paprika & pepper
6. Top with cilantro
7. Squeeze lime juice onto corn
7. Then nom on it


Make sure the lime juice is topped onto the corn after adding cheese.

This is super easy. I just realized that after typing the instructions.


I was even able to get a shot with lime juice in action. Go me!

This corn was served with grilled chicken thighs. They were “marinated” in a blend of olive oil, chopped garlic, cumin, pepper, and salt. And duh they were awesome. Thanks for being the griller daddy!


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