I am just going to go ahead and say my photography is lacking in this post. I had someone chirping in my ear about how he didn’t want to eat cold food and that I must hurry up and take the pictures. Needless to say, these photographs are blurry and not my best. Thanks for the love and support, AU!!

One of the best kitchen appliances in the world is a deep fryer. I didn’t say one of the healthiest kitchen appliances… but one of the truly greatest of all, because with a fryer you are unstoppable.

You can even make your own mozzarella sticks. Cause that’s what we did and let me just tell you something, they turned out BETTER than restaurant ones.


If I haven’t told you already that I love Aldi, let me tell you again. Every time I leave that place in disbelief while I review my receipt thinking “there is no way it only cost that much”. But I do and then I go back and let it happen all over again.

There mozzarella cheese sticks are my absolute favorite in the whole world (the only kind I will devour, which I eat most days for lunch). They are unbeatable.

You may however use a different brand of cheese sticks for these if you prefer, they will still be tasty.


I could not believe how quickly we made these. The simple process involves 3 bowls for breading; flour in one, an egg and milk in the other, and breadcrumbs with a few seasonings in the last.

They are then frozen to help the cheese not melt immediately before the breading creates a barrier in the fryer.

And then they are fried.

SO basic yet so absolutely delicious.


We fried these in an actual fryer but they can also be made in a pan. Just use peanut oil to create a “frying base” that covers about 1/3 of the bottom of a large saucepan. You use a thermometer to ensure the correct temperature of 365 degrees is achieved. OR you can try baking these at 400 for 15 minutes, flip them over and bake another 15 minutes until they are crispy and golden brown.


We decided to be really healthy and serve our mozzarella sticks with homemade hot wings (made by none other than the best, AU). Remember that little thing I was telling you about how awesome it is to have a fryer…? That’s another reason: hot wings made at home (fried just slightly crispy) with a hot butter sauce better than your local sports bar.

And that’s all courtesy of AU.


I suggest you buy yourself a fryer.


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