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Coffee Glazed Nuts are addictive, sweet, and our go to snack this Summer.

Honey, sugar, water, and ground strong coffee are tossed together with sea salt mixed specialty nuts.

The sweetened mixture is baked until golden brown so it’s ready to be devoured!

Just 15 minutes at 350 degrees F is all it takes to set the sticky glazed nuts.

Coffee Glazed Nuts have the perfect slight coffee flavor without being too scented. The mixture of both honey and sugar leave these nuts not overly sugary but perfectly sweetened. Sea salt in the mixed nuts give this delicious snack a salty sweet combination that becomes addictive!

You can use raw mixed specialty nuts instead of salted but will need to add sea salt to the mixture when boiling (1 1/2 TSP SEA SALT).

Use these nuts as a salty sweet snack, a solid addition to cheese boards with sliced meat or even as a salad garnish.

These are so versatile and can pair with everything!

I’m dying to know, do you like brazil nuts?! AU avoids them like they’re the plague but I have always loved them so much.


[shop-page-wp category=’Coffee Glazed Nuts’]

Much sweet Summer love,

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