I love chicken, I always think to myself; how many ways can I make my chicken different. I love chicken but not the same way all the time every day. So here is something new!

–> Coconut flaked crusted chicken!

Coconut flakes are very versatile, I usually use them in desserts but in this instance, they are the main ingredient in something savory (who would of thought?!).


Now this recipe is your usual egg wash, flour breading mixture, BUT in this meal the breading consists mainly of coconut flakes. I used unsweetened flakes because it is what I had on hand, but sweetened flakes can work just as well with all these flavors.

I also like this recipe because it gives you a crusty crunch outer coating, not mushy and dry. I have attempted making breaded “baked” chicken a few times recently and it just totally failed. The breading never gets crunchy or crispy it just stays wet or gross. This recipe is a go-to for breading, you won’t even doubt that its not “fried chicken”. Honestly there is nothing fried or incredibly fatty in this chicken meal at all.

20140729-210452-75892451.jpgWho loves sauces other than me? I will eat a sauce literally with anything. Maybe it is the kid in me, I also loved sauces as a child, but what child doesn’t… My main point about sauces is that for this recipe you do not necessarily need this apricot sauce but it is a sweet, tangy addition that I recommend you whip up.

I served my coconut chicken with some brown rice and sauteed zucchini. I wash and cut my zucchini, toss it in a pan with a little pat of butter and some fresh cracked pepper. Then I saute them until they are browning and slightly soft, not overcooked.

You can be creative with your vegetable choice if you choose.



Lets hope your chicken works out as crunchy as mine!


Enjoy this better version of a fried chicken dinner!


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