If you know anything about my other half and I, it’s that we are obsessed with mexican food, chips and salsa, and queso. Oh and add in guac for me too (I know it’s extra).


This night we killed two birds with one stone; carnitas AND white queso dip. And I am just going to go ahead and recommend you make them together. Just keep in mind you need two crock pots. You ask “who owns 2 crockpots…?” Oh just AU and I, that’s who.

The recipe calls for adobo sauce (blended). Have you had chilies in adobo sauce? Oh my gosh go out right now and get a can/jar, they are fantastic. How did I go so long before my sister and brother in law introduced me to them this summer?!?!

Anyways I bought the can from the mexican isle at Harris Teeter. They are exactly what they say, chilies in some sauce. And watch out, that spice will kick you right after you taste it (they are spicy but so good!). Take your chilies and sauce and blend them up, I used my mini chopper thing but a food processor will do the trick. And now you have sauce!


This meat was as juicy as ever and that beer once it has been cooking for so long, is just absolutely scrumptious. Definitely make these, they’re comparable to eating out. The toppings are where you can really spice up the flavors and make it just like a restaurant.


We went simple with some fresh cilantro, a definite must. I made a really easy sour cream sauce for the tacos; I took some pureed adobo sauce, sour cream, and some lime juice with a sprinkle of water to loosen the consistency. It worked perfectly with the slow cooked adobo sauce in the meat. I topped a taco with fresh romaine lettuce and tomatoes as well. I wish I had added some raw chopped onion, that crunch is great with all the other textures.


Go ahead and get your mexican night on, even though it’s Thursday. Nobody said Mexican food had to be limited to just Taco Tuesday!


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