Caprese salad just feels like summer.

Fresh tomatoes (maybe from your garden), fresh basil (garden basil is the best) and of course “fresh” mozzarella from the store… Unless you’re making your own, I don’t know you and your life!

For me this caprese was just fresh basil from our back garden and the freshest mozzarella and tomatoes I could find at the store. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


Are you feeling the fresh in this salad yet…?

[how green is that basil? So beautiful.]

I grew up with my mom making us the most delicious mozzarella salad (as we call it) every summer, more commonly known as caprese salad.

My mom would always cover ours in the best balsamic vinaigrette. It is a flavorful mix of balsamic vinegar, good quality olive oil, a little water, and an Italian seasoning packet by Good Seasons (you can find this in any grocery store).

I swear by this dressing. I use it on everything.

Naturally this is what my mom used so now it’s what I use. Anyone else like that with their moms? Mine’s a culinary master. Seriously.


This is the first time I was able to use our homegrown basil. It smells heavenly, literally it smells so good I could just bite into it.

Our basil leaves have this intense peppery basil smell. It smells so lively compared to the basil I find at Harris Teeter. I can hardly explain to you the powerful scent of this basil. It totally made the caprese salad.


One of my absolute favorite things about this salad is its simplicity. You can throw it together in five minutes and it presents itself beautifully.

It is so easy I can hardly stand it! I love pulling this together last minute for a dinner or for a quick lunch bite. The coolest thing by far is that AU will eat this WITH the tomatoes in it. There just has to be a ton of mozzarella and dressing on it.

It’s the little things.


Don’t miss out on the best summer salad this season!


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One Comment


    […] edge to the recipe. Fresh mozzarella has a place in every recipe, especially in a simply delish Caprese Salad, but in this we’re going shredded, baby! It’s already prepped for you and it’s […]

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