Beer. cheese. and a dip. What else can you think of that is a better string of 3 words?

I can’t think of anything right now!

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here’s the scoop:

It’s cheese, more cheese, and a lot of beer. It tastes as great as it sounds and it looks even better. It’s nicely kicked up with chopped jalapeño and the spicy pepper jack cheeses.

I first had a similar cheese dip with pretzels at Red Robin and I literally went to heaven as I ate the appetizer. Ever since then I have wanted to recreate that food memory with my own version!


Tonight AU and I wolfed this down.

I had wanted to make the pretzels from scratch, but yikes who has that kinda time, amiright?

I compromised with myself instead and bought the cheap gross kind (but actually kinda fabuloso pretzels) and they worked just as well. I baked them as whole pretzels and then chop chop chopped them up into bite sized pieces.


I sprinkled them with the purchased fat thick salt and they were straight out of a restaurant.

This makes a ton of dip. AU and I ate six small pretzels and still have half the dip left over.

We chose pretzels but veggies, hard pretzels, chips, and even bread would be awesome in this beer dip.



Look at that creaminess! Would you like to eat this as soup? I could think about doing that.

I believe this will be coming to the next tailgate with me thanks to AU’s suggestion!


Look at my cute little hand model!! Love him.


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  1. Missi clark

    Thank you, I had the same experience at red Robin! If you ever have the time to make pretzels, it’s sooooooooo worth it! Way better than frozen!

    1. Amber Knight

      I would love to try and make them, I can only imagine how good they must be. Thanks for the tip!

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