baked crispy chicken with homemade biscuits & balsamic maple vinaigrette

I can’t believe this meal. It was heavenly. It had wonderful, multiple flavors.

And it was gone in seconds.

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This recipe has three separate parts; balsamic maple syrup vinaigrette, homemade biscuits, and baked crispy breaded chicken.

I have been salivating over this meal combination since I spent a wonderful weekend in DC with my love bug where I delighted in an indulgent fried chicken biscuit and an enticing mimosa on our last morning for brunch.

And ever since that morning and those duck fat potatoes I inhaled, I have wanted to recreate the memory of that meal. Tonight I finally took on the challenge.


I put a lot of effort into this meal. I searched high and low on the internet for the right recipes to pull together.

I found my maple vinaigrette on Pinterest, my baked chicken in my favorite recipe book, Great Food Fast, and my easy homemade biscuits on Pinterest.

This was truly a masterpiece of mine, an ambslovesfood top notch recipe. I must insist that you try it.

balsamic vinaigrette

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 tablespoon dijon mustard
1/2 tablespoon whole grain mustard
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons maple syrup

1. whisk balsamic and both mustards in a medium sized bowl
2. slowly whisk in olive oil a little at a time (this will hurt your arm ;))
3. keep whisking
4. whisk in syrup and season with S&P
5. store in a salad dressing bottle, jar, or tight container (up to 2 weeks)

After I made my vinaigrette, I let it sit out in my dressing bottle that I bought from HT (comes with italian seasoning packet by Good Seasons).

The chicken is next in line!


The recipe calls for buttermilk but I did not have any, so I made my own!

baked breaded chicken

4 chicken breasts
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup panko bread crumbs
1/3 cup parmesan
1 tablespoon red pepper sauce (I used sriracha)
veggie oil

1. preheat to 400 and make the buttermilk; mix milk and lemon juice in a small bowl, let sit for 10 minutes
2. combine homemade buttermilk, sriracha, and S&P in a medium sized bowl
3. in a separate bowl combine breadcrumbs and parmesan
4. drench the chicken in the milk mixture and then douse in the breadcrumb mixture
5. move to a pan covered in veggie oil
6. bake for 35 minutes or until golden brown


Do not worry about flipping the chicken, it will create a crispy coating on the bottom and top. Cover the chicken with more breadcrumb mixture before baking.


After the chicken is baked and fully cooked it should be brown and golden with little burnt patches. Do not worry it is good to have those extra crispy parts to bite into!


Once the chicken is baking and sizzling in the oven, the final part can be started; the homemade decadent biscuits.

Now these are what impressed me the most. The easiness and the short bake time on these beauties are what really make this meal a complete dish.


The biscuits can go in the oven with 15 minutes left on the chicken, just turn the oven up to 450 instead of 400.


homemade biscuits (4 biscuits)

1 cup flour
1/2 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup milk

1. turn oven to 450 right before you put biscuits into the oven
2. mix all dry ingredients except the butter in a bowl
3. cut butter into thin strips and mix into dry mixture with hands until butter is in small tiny pieces
4. pour in milk and mix with hands until well combined
5. form 4 biscuits making the height about 1 inch
6. place biscuits onto a greased baking tray
7. brush tops with melted butter, bake for 10-15 minutes


Once the biscuits are ready and out the oven, let them cool for a few minutes.

Build the biscuit by first cutting the biscuit in half, topping with chicken and parsley


Drizzle with the balsamic maple vinaigrette and chow down.



Man I took a lot of pictures for this one! I was just so excited!


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