This was banging. And made so quickly. Kind of like speed cooking.


I was traveling the other day so it was a rush to make lunch but so worth it. I bought a bunch of asparagus last week and realized I didn’t have time to make the chicken penne I had promised (which is still coming in the next few weeks). So I took it home hoping my mom could use it before I had the chance this week.

Asparagus Gruyere Tart was made with the asparagus and the recipe came from Great Food Fast.

I love gruyere cheese. I seem to just eat all the shredded cheese instead of using it as I cook. Cheese is so yummy. Have I mentioned that I am a taster as I cook. Every time… It never fails me.


Anyways back to the pastry.

Its a simple puff pastry that you buy frozen. None of this homemade stuff. Who actually has time to do things like that?

Not me.

The asparagus is just simply washed and cut and applied to the pastry. The cheese grated and the pastry rolled.

Easy squeezy.

I kind of followed the recipe…. Seems like this happening a lot with me. I follow some things, add some things, leave out some things…

It mainly turns out super DELICIOUS.

Maybe I’m becoming a real chef. Cara wouldn’t agree with this statement. One time in highschool I said I was an artist and Cara laughed in my face telling me I was in no way an artist just because I took classes and loved painting. Well Cara I feel like a chef!


This was so good I cant even describe it. It was most definitely the cheese.

I have a block sitting in my fridge right now!!!! What recipe should I make with the cheese?


I could of used more asparagus but it was delicious. Obviously look at it.


…. cheese.


Asparagus Gruyere Tart

one and half pounds of asparagus

one sheet of puff pastry

two cups of shredded gruyere cheese

olive oil

salt and pepper

Roll out the frozen puff pastry sheet making a rectangle. Take a knife and score the edges one inch inwards (make a border around the rectangle).

Bake at 400 degrees for 12 minutes until pastry is golden brown. Remove from oven and sprinkle all the cheese over the pastry. After cutting off the ends of the asparagus lay it head to tail all over the pastry. Pour some olive oil over the tops of the asparagus and add salt and pepper.

Bake for 20 minutes.

Hope you love it!


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