It is not a secret that I love dessert. Anything sweet, creamy, and satisfying:
sign. me. up.
This is by far one of my favorite treats. It is my go to for a dessert that is always received well, travels well,
and tastes delicious.
Today I am sharing these custard slices with you.
They are magical. And they are also magically EASY.
whatddya know.
The simple steps for these custard slices are literally so simple that anyone can do it.
Let me break down this delectable dessert for you:
The vanilla (yellow) custard- made with whipping cream- is smeared onto a freshly puffed rectangle of puff
pastry, which is then drowned (basically) in homemade vanilla icing.
The icing is also my moms recipe, a traditional white vanilla icing made with icing sugar (duh!), butter,
boiling hot water, and vanilla essence.
Literally, this is my go to icing that I use on everything that needs to be iced (especially pastries).
I would like to mention that these custard slices were frosted. Frosted by icing in this case and not
diamonds (anyone know the movie reference here..?)
Clearly I over frosted these pastries, as you can see. But in all honesty (because I am always honest
with you) I love that they are over frosted and over iced.
Bring it on baby.
I made these beautiful pastries (food is beautiful) for my bosses mini baby shower at work! They were
gone before I knew it and it was a good thing I had last minute saved one for AU.
It only took him 3 days to finnnnnaaaaly eat it. With me reminding him every 6 hours that if he didnt eat
it, I would. I just watched it sit in the fridge all on its lonesome.
I was way to close to just saying screw it, it’s mine. I was strong and held out though. Little win for me!
This recipe is super easy to double up. Just buy an extra vanilla pudding and double the other ingredients. You will already have an extra puff pastry sheet in the box you originally purchase.
- 1 full sheet puff pastry (the box of two sheets is 17.3 ounces or 490 grams)
- 1 3.4 ounce box instant vanilla pudding
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1/3 cup skim milk
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 cup icing sugar
- 3 tablespoons boiling hot water
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
- Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Lay out one puff pastry sheet on a floured surface. Slightly roll seams together with a rolling pin and flatten slightly.
- Run a sharp knife through the puff pastry from top to bottom (following the fold lines) to cut into 3 pieces. Slice into 6 slices (5 cuts) perpendicular to the first cuts. This will make 18 rectangles for your custard slices.
- Place on a greased cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes, watching that the bottoms don't burn.
- While baking combine vanilla pudding, whipping cream, and milk in a medium sized bowl. Whisk until combined and refrigerate to set.
- Once the puff pastry slices are cooked, remove and let cool completely on a baking rack.
- Once they are cool, use a sharp knife to slice in half carefully, separating bottom and top. Use a butter knife to cover the bottom half of the custard slice with the vanilla custard and place the top back on. Continue with all 18.
- Set aside.
- Combine butter with hot water over butter to melt. Mix to combine. Add in icing sugar and vanilla essence. Continue mixing until butter is completely melted. Add in extra water (be careful not to add too much) and extra icing sugar until a pour-able consistency is achieved if it was not in the first place.
- Make sure it does not become too liquid as it will slide off of the custard slices.
- Drizzle icing over the top of custard slices.
- Refrigerate to set.
- Serve.
Do you have any ideas on what else I could over frost? I’d love to hear some suggestions!
How many grams was your packet of puff pastry?
Amber Knight
The puff pastry box is 490 grams. I only used one of the sheets in the box so 245 grams for one.
I have also updated the recipe card.
Thanks for your comment!